If you want to cancel your booking

If you wish to cancel a confirmed booking you must let us know by email or in writing as soon as possible. Your booking will be cancelled with effect from the day we receive your email or written notification.  All cancellations MUST be in writing.

The closer your cancellation is to the start of your booking, the less likely we are to recover the cost of your booking by re-selling your accommodation. Our cancellation charges therefore increase as your start date approaches. For the purposes of the table below, the total cost means the total amount payable in relation to your booking, as set out in your confirmation invoice.

No. of days prior to holiday start date Cancellation charge

We will always make every effort to relet Charlie's Cottage in the event of a cancellation, you will be liable for a cancellation charge:

over 42 days - Deposit

22 to 42 days - 50% of the total cost

21 to 8 days - 90% of the total cost

7 days or less prior to holiday start date or at any point after holiday start date - 100% of the total cost